Creating a Unified Project as a New Project
The recommended approach for creating a Unified project is to first create a local project, and then convert it to a Unified one. This allows you to validate the project configuration locally, before uploading it to the Helix QAC Dashboard server.
However, it is also possible to create a project as a Unified project in the first instance, from the New Project dialog, by selecting Unified Project . Additional fields then become accessible, as described in Creating a Unified Project.
If this is done, the project configuration is uploaded as soon as the dialog closes, and before any source code files have been added to the project. Users downloading this configuration will need to do their own project population as described in Extraction of Configuration Data.
Any changes made to your local project after the New Project dialog closes (including any made via the Project Properties dialog that opens directly following the New Project dialog) will not be uploaded to Helix QAC Dashboard by default. You need to upload these changes using the following option:
Dashboard menu : Unify Project : Update